How to decorate on a budget: 7 tips to make your bedroom look expensive

I always find myself admiring all the luxurious-looking bedrooms as I browse the internet and social media. But I often wonder, how can I replicate this in my own bedroom and not break the bank! There are 7 key design tips that you can incorporate today that will help you achieve your desired look in a more affordable way.

1. Pillow

Pillows are often the accent piece to any room, and the bedroom is no different. By adding a few fluffy pillows to your bed you can easily achieve that luxury look you desire, and it will cost you very little to do so.

2. Curtains

Curtains are an in-your-face piece in any room. So it is important to choose the right style for your individual theme. But no matter the theme it’s important to keep the following in mind. Hang your curtains high (as close to the ceiling as possible), and hang them wide. This will give you the expensive and luxurious look you seek. In addition, hanging them this way will block out sunlight for those late risers.

3. Add a tray

Most bedrooms will have a dresser, and like most of us, we tend to place a lot of things on top of it. This can get messy. To bring it all together and create a more organized look, use a tray. This will instantly create a luxurious and expensive feel to your vanity/dresser.

2. Texture

Texture, texture, texture! This is so important it needs to be said three times! You can add texture to various items in your room. This includes the carpet, the pillows, the wall and of course the curtains! Texture adds a layer of sophistication and luxury to a room taking it from bland to chic with little effort and a small budget.

5. Wall Art

Have you ever noticed that people who have expensive luxury homes often have a single large wall art covering a single wall, rather than several pieces cluttering the space? When it comes to wall art, my advice is simple…keep it simple, and don’t over do it.

6. Carpet / Sheep Skin

A carpet at the foot of the bed is just enough to turn your room from shabby to chic. Consider some faux sheep skin to add a touch of texture.

7. Lighting

Adding a beautiful chandelier or fixture is a great way to wrap up the entire look.

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