Simples Ways To Infuse Biophilic Interior Design Into Your Home Decor 

I have always had such a love for nature and the use of organic materials to spruce up your home. So it was to my lovely surprise when I noticed that the biophilic design concept gained huge popularity over the last few years. 

What is Biophilic Interior Design?

Biophilic design is an interior design trend that incorporates all things nature into your home aesthetic. Hence the word biophilic, which means the love of nature. Its focus is on incorporating key natural elements such as natural materials, shapes, colors and lighting into your home to create an indoor connection to nature. This home decor concept creates a space that is good for your physical and mental well being. 

How to Use Natural Materials in Biophilic Interior Design 

The use of natural materials is key in biophilic interior design. Use lots of wood and greenery.  Flowers and plants will give your space vibrance and wood will add a rustic feel to your biophilic space. The combination is a match made in heaven!

NOTE: if you have children or pets be sure to choose plants that are safe for them. Plants that are safe for kids and pets.

You could also Incorporate other natural materials such as stone, cork, marbles, wool, cotton, leather, silk, and rattan to name a few. Water such as a mini fountain could be incorporated to further enhance the natural vibe of your home. 

How to Use Colors From Nature in Biophilic Interior Design 

To have a truly natural feel to your space the careful curation of your biophilic color palette is crucial. You can exude a certain vibe simply by the colors you choose for your home. Let’s explore some color choices for your biophilic decor. Get creative with the shades and hues. 

The two main colors that we often think of when we think nature are browns and greens. These two colors will make your home feel organic and natural, so don’t be shy and layer them onto your space. 

Biophilic color palette, Greens
Biophilic color palette, Browns

The use of gray is also reminiscent of the rocks and stones in nature so consider incorporating them into your biophilic home.

Biophilic Interior design, gray color palete

Purple, pink, orange and other bright colors should be considered when picking your flowers. This will give your biophilic design a pop of color. 

boiphilic interior design, add flowers for pops of color

You can give your space more of an ocean vibe by using different shades of blue and turquoise. 

Biophilic Interior Design, blues and turquoise

How to Use The Shapes Of Nature in A Biophilic Home

The shapes of nature are shapes that are found in our natural environment. These organic shapes and patterns are then used as inspiration when choosing furniture and accessories in a biophilic home. 

When choosing furniture such as a couch, sofa, dining table and coffee table think rounded and curved rather than clear perfect lines. 

When it comes to accessorizing your biophilic space, get creative! Think waves, curves, cracks and ripples. Think beauty in imperfection. Learn more about the shapes and patterns of nature.

How to Incorporate A Biophilic Wall

What is a biophilic wall? 

This is a design concept that covers an entire section of a wall with plants. It’s a literal living wall that supports your emotional, physical and mental well-being. 

Incorporating a biophilic wall into your space takes your organic-inspired home to another level. You see this often in commercial and professional spaces but there’s no reason you couldn’t incorporate this into your home. Just remember that it will require maintenance. 

To avoid the maintenance of a living biophilic wall, consider a preserved moss wall instead. All you need to know about preserved moss walls.

You could also incorporate wallpaper with biophilic designs such as flowers or plants and skip the plant wall altogether.  

Whichever you choose, a biophilic wall or nature-inspired wallpaper, they will both add a natural touch to your biophilic home

How to Use Natural Lighting in Your Biophilic Home

The best type of lighting in a biophilic home is, you guessed it, natural light. Open up the windows and let light bounce off the walls and if you have a skylight even better. 

To enhance the effect of natural light consider mirrors throughout your biophilic home. This allows natural light to bounce off the mirrors enhancing its effect.  

Lighting Inspired By Nature 

When choosing artificial lighting consider fixtures that are made of organic materials as it adds to the natural elements of a biophilic design. 

What are some examples of organic light fixtures?

Is Biophilic Interior Design Good For Our Well Being

Have you ever had a day where you were cooped up indoors and feeling a little down, and you decide to take a long walk outside and instantly feel better? It’s no coincidence! It has been proven time and again that immersing ourselves in nature makes us feel better!

Let’s face it, most of us live a life that can be chaotic and on the go. But incorporating a part of nature into your home decor will have a calming effect and decrease stress. See Study.

Looking to improve your attention? Well, a biophilic design might do the trick. The addition of plants can help to improve your concentration and help you to stay focused. See Study.

It has also been proven that the use of plants can be used as natural air fresheners and detoxifiers. They can absorb mold spores, toxins, and humidify the air to name a few.  See NASA study.

Here is a list of some of the best plant species that naturally clean and freshen your air:

  • Areca, lady, dwarf date, bamboo palms
  • Boston fern
  • Rubber tree
  • Spider plant
  • Ficus tree

For a more indepth look at the benefits a biophilic design will have on your health, Healthline has done a great job for your review.

So upon some research it has become clear to me that plants and nature are just good for our overall health.

So in addition to having an aesthetic biophilic home that is great to look at everyday, you are actually curating a space that is good for you…literally! 

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